Deals. Deliveries. Done.
Your online parts assistant, offers instant information on deliveries, deals and incentives.
TraxPod™ is your online parts assistant, offering information on parts deliveries, deals-of-the-day and order status updates from part suppliers to collision repair shops. TraxPod™ allows parts suppliers to advertise their company brand and generate relative content.
Easy Setup
Not only is it easy to use, it’s also simple to install to your desktop. TraxPod™ is powered by OPSTrax™ technology, allowing for instant pod notifications whenever a delivery, shipment, or deal is available for you.
Live Deals and Cost Saving Opportunities
Get instant notifications whenever you have parts available for conquest or incentive pricing with your preferred suppliers.
Works with Any Supplier
Manage all of your parts suppliers from a simple interface, and even find new suppliers in your area.
Real Time Notifications
Know when your deliveries are at the door or on the way. Get instant notifications throughout the parts procurement process, including when returns have been processed and your account has been credited.